Ressources | Addon & Assets
Addon | BagaPie Modifier Beta
This addon allow you to create modifier and geometry nodes preset : Boolean, Scatter, Wall, Windows ...
Assets | Lowpoly Forest with seasons
These parametric assets are very useful for creating large backgrounds. It also allows you to change and mix the seasons.
Shader | Procedural Grunge Node
This nodal set-up allows you to procedurally add wear to architectural elements.
Shader | Procedural Grunge Node Simple
This nodal set-up allows you to procedurally add wear on architectural elements with a more simplified UI but less advanced settings. It is especially useful for adding wear and tear from the rain.
Shader | Leaf Node Preset
Node preset that allows you to easily create a shader for anything vegetal.
Addon | Render Devices Switcher
This addon create a panel in the render property to easily switch between CUDA, OptiX, ... And choose which rendering devices to use.